Verdict: Plausible, but the supporting testimony is inconsistent with the chronology of the building's construction. To demonstrate to the world that they are IN CONTROL and way beyond stopping. Lines in the Dirt. It wasnt until recently that I really learned that, Take graphite, for example. The main caveat, however, was privacy: "If an elevator was built there, [there] would most likely be a record with the vendor who installed the elevator, as they typically require yearly maintenance and inspection. Remember, the building was erected between 2009 and 2013. If nanobot injection becomes an option, will you volunteer to take the first steps to becoming a cyborg? Am I way off base? Fellowship of the Minds reports: Born in Brooklyn, New York, Epstein managed somehow to become a billionaire. Yet here was a seemingly solvable mystery for which I could not find a solution. He drove Baron in a golf cart to the building where the piano was. And Epstein had big plans for the latest addition to his already sizable real estate portfolio prior to his death. I see enough imagery that is similar to believe that these symbols represent technology. 1 of 15 Jeffrey Epstein's "pedophile island" at Little St. James Island. After Jeffry Epstein, alleged trafficker of underage girls, was allegedly found dead from suicide in a high security prison cell in New York, and scores of very powerful people like Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew face new child abuse allegations. LIES! But even if the building's motif alludes to the sexual culture of a society that ended more than 1,400 years ago, Greek pederasty was a male phenomenon. Jeffrey Epstein, the well-connected sex criminal who died by suicide in federal custody, owned a 70-acre private island in the US Virgin Islands known as Little St. James. Baron recounted his experience visiting Little St. James over several interviews with Insider. This is a huge leap because we are now able to use this for many different industries such as medicine. In fact, it has the same carbon structure as the graphite you use every day when you draw or write with your pencil! Work then continued, mostly on clearing the dense vegetation to make a main road around the island, until December of last year. For that matter, Rachel (Ray) Chandler, a casting director, has taken her Instagram account private. Prosecutors say he preyed on girls as young as 14 and paid some of them to become recruiters who. A nanocube is the same ratio to an eye as an eye is to the entire Earth! The documents clearly show a building designed to show off a grand piano. A piano tuner who lives in the Virgin Islands told Insider that he visited the building twice in 2012 and described its interior in detail. Owls, underground tunnels, young girls. This possibility has gained some currency among online conspiracy theorists, some of whom believe Epstein erected the building to serve as a secluded facility for abusing children. Its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season.". While this explanation is somewhat believable Epstein is a classically-trained pianist the wording suggests it is more of a rumor than a commonly-known fact. Philadelphia, PA 19122. After all, if Epstein did indeed keep a piano in the blue-and-white building, there was a decent chance he needed someone to occasionally tune it. An "urban explorer" has shared footage online after sneaking onto Jeffrey Epstein's private island in the Virgin Islands. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS ABOUT TO TAKE THE WHEEL, OHIO NORFOLK RAIL DISASTER snarly, tangled complexity. There are so many facets of this NEW WORLD ORDER it is hard to get your mind around it all. Wrong. Take graphite, for example. QAnon posted on the imageboard site 8chan in April 2018 with a bird's-eye view image of Epstein's island and cryptic text about sacrifice, conspiracy, and evil. The biggest surprise however is the doors om Epstein's temple. Epstein's island, officially known as Little Saint James, is situated between St. Thomas and St. John, two of the largest islands of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Most professional piano tuners are listed in a directory maintained by the Piano Technicians Guild, a group in Kansas City, Kansas, that tests and certifies piano technicians in the United States. In August 2009, nothing existed on the southwest corner of the island: By February 2013, however, both structures (and newly widened paths leading to them) were clearly visible from above: But Both, the Chicago contractor and engineer, said the smaller structure looked less like a secret entrance and more like a cistern for storing or treating water, a necessity for bringing plumbing to the more remote parts of the island. Graphene is perfect for use with Quantum Physics. It strongly resembles a temple, though of which sort remains elusive. Ground penetrating radar has been used in many famous murder cases to locate corpses or underground rooms and tunnels, but there are complications with using GPR successfully on Epstein's private . I had other doubts too. We are currently in the second stage and are rapidly moving towards the third. Its 78 acres resemble a bird in flight, with its head, tail, and two wings corresponding to the intercardinal directions: The main residence and compound occupies the northeast point, and a pair of guest houses occupy the northwest and southeast points. In 10 years, tiny nanobots in your blood might help keep you from getting sick or even transmit your thoughts to a wireless cloud. But, he had a role in most of parts of it. Now here is the photo, that began to crystallize (pun intended) the idea in my mind. Graphene was discovered in 2004, in 2005 one hundred ninety four Countries signed the Worldwide Covenant that lead us to this Pandemic. Have you ever dreamed of using an iron man suit to fly around and be almost invincible? He had erected 'No Trespassing' signs throughout the island due to the area's popularity with tourists, who are now turning out in even higher numbers after his death. Compilation of all Jeffery Epstein Pedophile Island drone videos. There is also the debate of whether or not it should be used for medical purposes to physically enhance humans as this would tamper with nature and most likely create division between modified humans and unaltered people. How much more time and energy was I willing to spend on a story with so many dead ends? University scientists also believe that nanobots could be used to reduce plaque in veins, solve dietary issues, along with a whole slew of other medical uses. He didn't recall seeing any blue and white stripes on the exterior. The federal charges against Jeffrey Epstein, known doesn't quite add up. Was I seeing the symbol that was on Epstein Island? Some of Epstein's accusers say his . The main residence and compound occupies the northeast point, and a pair of guest houses occupy the northwest and southeast points. On April 6, Q Anon posted this follow-up comment: Horus was in control of the sun and the moon. Since Epstein's arrest in August 2019, people have been trying to get a glimpse of Little St. James. He is a registered sex offender. But at the atomic level, the nano level, graphite becomes, (To put it into perspective, for every millimeter of graphite there are, Whats even more amazing is that graphene is only one of millions of possibilities! The persistence of this mystery is especially remarkable given the intense public scrutiny of Epstein and his circle since his arrest in July. The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. For this reason alone, it is unlikely that this person ever set foot inside Epstein's temple. TED STRESHINSKY/THE LIFE IMAGES COLLECTION/GETTY IMAGES. Scientists and engineers have been designing and engineering materials at the nanoscale by. Churches, of course, tend to feature crosses. Create Anything You Want With Programmable Matter, Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body by 2030. The dome never went back up however and now the temple sits unadorned and stripped on the island. It is the perfection of creating nanomachines by using specific atoms with specific structures and functions. He later told The Virgin Islands Daily News that at the end of those six years he cut off contact with Epstein entirely. EXCLUSIVE FREE FULL EPISODE! On the first excursion, he met a woman named Karen, who seemed to serve as the island's project manager. You can also subscribe without commenting. Workers told each other it was a music room fitted with a grand piano and acoustic walls. The federal charges against Jeffrey Epstein, unsealed on Monday morning in New York City, open the latest chapter in the very public campaign to bring the financier to justice. Nice way to finish this post, tying the whole thing together. I am sure that someone with a technology background could give us more images that fit the profile. This means this material is mathematically 2-dimensional. One of the things that makes graphene so cool is that its the thinnest material you can imagine. Although we are rapidly making advancements in nanotechnology, there are many challenges that are holding us back from reaching its full potential. You have to realize that Epstein is just a small part of a bigger agenda. Are you open to this kind of a change? There's been lots of speculation concerning the strange temple on Epstein Island. Scully told the network that he worked for Epstein for six years, from 1999 to 2005. We are currently in the second stage and are rapidly moving towards the third. These programmed DNA strands have the capability to move around and find cancer cells (all in a controlled environment). Epstein's island was used to provide the elite a safe and secluded place where they could keep little children in cages and chains and use them for sexual perversion, torture and kill them. But as Schapiro acknowledged, the building substantially deviates from the blueprints, which describe an octagonal structure surrounded by a covered porch, with internal partitions for a bathroom, a closet, and a living room. In fact, Epstein's butler received 18 months in prison for withholding evidence, far more punishment than Epstein received for actually molesting children. To put how small the scale they are working at into perspective a little bit, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, which is100 000xsmaller than a human hair! +91 99094 91629;; Mon. The second claim "its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season" is more supported. There's been lots of speculation concerning the strange temple on Epstein Island. James Both, a contractor whom Insider consulted with for the story, noted that while it was possible to install an underground space or elevator, the construction would . Buy Book The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska EAGLE'S EYE VIEW The final scene of the men 'fleeing,' shot a few minutes after an island staffer strolled by Rodkowski, is cut with a look at the massage room. Indeed, all the temple's external archways were illusions, painted on the building's featureless, flat surface as a trompe l'oeil: In a second video, Shackleford's drone captured a portion of the building's interior, seen through one of the side windows. Now, if you watch the Ellen show, (and I do not) you would be hard pressed not to notice the deliberate mimicking of the Epstein Temple. 5. Some say the images show cannibalism. An "urban explorer" on Jeffrey Epstein's island. A team of law enforcement officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the New York Police Department (NYPD) took Epstein into custody at the Teterboro Airport in Bergen County, New Jersey, after he returned to the United States by private jet from France, sources told ABC News. A pair of substantial hurricanes, Irma and Maria, struck the U.S. Virgin Islands between those two dates. Night [3] Pedophile Island: The golden dome that formally sat atop Jeffrey Epstein's temple on Little St James is gone in recent photos (domeless temple above) A cursory search for news about bones on Epstein's island was largely fruitless, suggesting the latter was likely correct. Dont be surprised when the computer and electrical engineers take full control of health field! He worked as an options trader at Bear Stearns early in his career and then formed his own financial management firm, J. Epstein & Co., managing the assets of clients with more than $1 billion in net worth. In my research on SAND and its relation to the Computer industry, I came across a photo that captured my attention. "And after doing the job and talking to some of my other clients on St. Thomas, and they filled me in on the scandal, my perception of that room changed from a study to a lair.". It makes sense. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment -quartz belongs to the hexagonal system, space groupP6222 andP6422, respectively. There is no clear evidence that Epstein constructed a special facility for abusing children or sacrificing them to Moloch or any other deity. Epstein, 66, is now facing up to 45 years in prison on charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy. At least I could not find any that matched. The entrance consists of an arched, seemingly wooden door equipped with black metal hardware. responsiveVoice.speak("Surveillance camera footage of underground rooms at Jeffrey Epsteins mansion on his private island features abused children locked in rooms. Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories. Do you see the framed symbol of a computer chip laying on the desk in front of Robert Noyce? It is good for writing, it is silver, shiny and leaves residue. Epstein eventually managed to remedy that situation by paying a $70,000 fine, records show, and paid an even steeper fine after the second offense in October. Epstein island has underground dungeon and dining hall. No stairs, no elevator. A scale to show just how small nanometers are. "Absolutely. Why would they depict them in such a similar fashion? Conspiracy theorists have suggested that the temple was either a secluded setting for Epstein's abuse or that it concealed a hidden underground location for the same purpose. The available photos of the statues, by contrast, show distinctly avian heads. "When you say 'study' or 'retreat,' there is a different connotation. However, those architects provided their services long before the temple-like building first appeared. In the video below, uploaded to YouTube on October 11, 2016, the narrator claims Jeffrey Epstein has a video of Bill Clinton raping 13-year-old girls. The design slightly resembles ablaq, a masonry technique used in mosques that involves layers of darker and lighter stone. Epstein joined Temple Law School in the summer of 2015, succeeding Edward "Eddie" Ohlbaum, who led Temple Law's award-winning trial advocacy programs from 1989 until his untimely death in 2014. Not so interesting. Now I could be completely off on this but when I pulled up Nanotechnology and saw the picture belowI could not help but see a connection to the picture above. Authorities had been trying to get on the island to determine what was going on for close to a year prior to Epstein's death. The second account was published by NBC News in early August. I found myself ashamed to discuss my progress with my editor and colleagues, as each additional clue turned out to be a false start. But there was no ladder. The AltMedia chatter is that her Instagram and Tumblr accounts contain many disturbing images of children. Have you ever sat back and thought about how your surroundings work at an atomic level? A representative for the facility, now called the IJ Morris at Star of David Cemetery, confirmed that Seymour and Pauline Epstein are interred in a mausoleum there. However, those architects provided their services long before the temple-like building first appeared. "Even in the condition that I described it in it was sort of a temple," he said. Now that may be true, if that is Gods plan. Local laws make all land below the tide or bush lines public property, so Epstein could not legally kick people off those lands. as well as other partner offers and accept our. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider The FBI received accounts from about 40 under age girls who said they had been molested by Epstein. There is a legible correspondence between the building's exterior and the modern Greek flag, and ancient Greek culture did promote sexual relationships between adolescent boys and adult men. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories, the discovery of a strange blue-and-white structure. The first citation was 'in regards to unpermitted land clearing.'. Applications such as siri and google-cast are providing the user with a human-like interaction experience. This is fairly abundant and most of us use it every single day. Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. You can view it here: Image returns to normal at 1:48. Sun, Feb 26, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 He didn't recognize the name of the reader who referred me to him. But, we KNOW that it relates to MIND CONTROL, COMPUTERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY, SEX, REPRODUCTION, and TRANS-HUMANISM. Epstein based his private jets on St Thomas, one of the US Virgin Islands' three main isles, with Little St James just a short helicopter trip away. The southwest point, however, features a very different kind of building: There's a lot going on here. If you know anything about this building or want to share your personal theory about its purpose , NOW WATCH: You can rent an entire private island in Belize on Airbnb. Inside Epstein Island Temple - Underground Complex, Ritual Room? unsealed on Monday morning in New York City. Well, I found this article when looking for more information about Nano Technology. The leak was ruining the top of the piano, and the flooring. It was Shackleford who captured the jaw-dropping scene of FBI agents executing a search warrant throughout the island: But my doubts stemmed from two earlier, less-noticed videos that featured close-ups of the blue-and-white building. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Atop the roof were statues that resembled "gargoyles." The clip - taken by an anti-corruption organisation - also shows the seedy outdoor massage room where underage girls would pamper the registered sex offender. It is merely the same thing, just smaller right? I found something similarbut not really a match. This research is intended to find out how Graphene can alter the principle of electronic, health, construction, and energy sectors of our economy. Epstein's island, officially known as Little Saint James, is situated between St. Thomas and St. John, two of the largest islands of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. NOW WATCH: VIDEO: How did Jeffrey Epstein's address book end up in the hands of a communist farmer in Vermont? Downhill from the structure, at the end of a service path that branches from the main road leading to the building, lies what appears to be a smaller structure or entrance. Its just one atom thick! spacer, Now here is the photo, that began to crystallize (pun intended) the idea in my mind. You can read why at either of the links, or, Small Scale, Enormous Impacts: The World of Nanotechnology, Whats Graphene And Why Itll Soon Take Over The World, Researchers at MIT Created Nanofibers Stronger Than Kevlar, A.I Agenda 2020 | Rise of the Machines Super Intelligence Quantum Computers Documentary, COVID 19 TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. Both -quartz and -quartz are examples of chiral crystal structures composed of achiral building blocks(SiO4tetrahedrain the present case). This is a tricky theory to parse. ", a small caretaker's shack which might include equipment for maintaining the property. Many members of the community believe that Epstein hid young girls he allegedly enslaved in underground rooms below the temple and other parts of the island. He never met Epstein, and he didn't recall how his staff originally contacted him maybe through another client, or maybe through the online directory. That's the right shape.". Ellen's show is decorated to resemble epstein island temple. The base is painted with broad, vivid blue horizontal stripes, and supports a large, golden dome. Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. I could have accepted it as a study or retreat, until I knew more about the man. There is a FUNGUS AMONG US created by RATS! Epstein Island Temple Tunnels. ", I asked if he was sure. It is unclear who the fresh towels are for. The outlandish temple, with no clear history or purpose, provided the perfect detail: an otherwise minor plot element that promised to illuminate the whole story. This work has been done despite the fact that only the construction of a flagpole and repair of cisterns has been approved on the island. Not so interesting. The entrance consists of an arched, seemingly wooden door equipped with black metal hardware. Recently released drone footage took some close-up shots of the temple, revealing several strange details. They will travel inside of you, on a molecular level, protecting the biological system and ensuring that you have a good and long life. That is why water is so important to their MAGIC and the reason for the symbol of water to be applied even when they are surrounded by the ocean. By mid-August, after speaking to the piano tuner who never tuned Epstein's piano, I was blocked and bewildered. According to court filings, Epstein was accused of trafficking . Epstein's residence on the island is a stone mansion with cream-colored walls and a turquoise roof. I don't know who gave you my name." The conspiracy theories surrounding Epstein's temple sound very UTSL to me. James was the site of many of the crimes. In 2017, the Twitter user The War Economy assembled what is likely the most comprehensive resource about Little St. James, including the identities of several architects who helped design the island's buildings. All I came up with was an image of microscopic particles jam-packed together because it was solid. According to Baron's notes, it was manufactured by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, whose piano-manufacturing operations were acquired by Baldwin Piano Company in 1988. The directory returned a single entry: a piano tuner named Patrick Baron. If this didn't work, I planned to drop it altogether. 4. Built on a 60 feet elevation, the temple is believed to be sitting on a network of underground tunnels. The island's southwestern corner features an unusual blue-and-white-striped building that resembles a temple or place of worship. We have discovered that nanorobots could be used to target specific tumors in our body along with so many illnesses. Two beds lay on a floor in outdoor hut, which has a full kitchen in the neighboring room. I think I only ever started to do this at a very basic level in science class when we first learned about the atom. A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location.". The elite are dreaming of a Space Elevator with sides 12 miles apart that extends 22,000 miles into the heavens THE NEW TOWER OF BABEL? Nor is he the only person who has publicly claimed to have done so. One of the more remarkable features of the building is its exterior treatment: Wide, horizontal stripes, alternating between azure and white, that bend toward the tops of the windows and door. In any case, these theories assert that Epstein built a designated structure to conceal his criminal activities and that he incorporated a series of obvious clues about those activities into the structure's design. A defiant gesture, like a raised middle finger, toward the rest of the world. Google Earth satellites clearly captured the dome on August 10, 2017, but it's not seen at all in photographs taken on September 7, 2017, or in any subsequent image. This is fairly abundant and most of us use it every single day. A shocking video filmed on Jeffrey Epstein's infamous "Paedo Island" reveals secret underground lairs and a bizarre "sex temple" with fake doors. Equipped with black metal hardware alone, it has the same carbon structure the. Resembles ablaq, a small caretaker 's shack which might include equipment for maintaining the property CONTROL... S island returned a single entry: a piano tuner who never tuned Epstein 's temple a pianist! 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