I've actually already watched a bunch, but the thing is that I'm so new to painting that they are using words/terms I don't really understand, and a video cannot really answer questions you raise. "@type": "Question", Needs a warmer tone I think. White Scar is designed specifically for use with Contrast paints, to sit alongside the cool Grey Seer and the warmer Wraithbone sprays. Night Scales: Now this is a peculiar colour. http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/638806.page, https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/30/695441.page, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/610818.page, ph34r's Forgeworld Phobos blog, current WIP: Iron Warriors and Skaven Tau, https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/725222.page. that are all connected in the 40k universe. I painted up a few to see which colors I liked best, using some red if I want Heresy colors and some blue if I want more modern colors. Regular Citadel metallic paints have an RRP of 3,60 Euro / 2.75, but they come in 12 ml flip-top containers. For use with death armies or those with lots of skulls and bones, this is a lifesaver in terms of time and how good it looks. So I'm getting into painting my models, and under their different paints GW has this type called contrast, which it says " , gives you a vivid base and realistic shading all in a single application. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. 4 Accomplished_Ad5945 2 yr. ago Azure Magic: This is a vibrant turquoise metallic paint approved by Tzeentch. The canon Black Templar scheme is changing to hot pink with a yellow trim. ", The consistency of the contrast paint causes it to pool in recesses to create shading and pull away from high spots, allowing the light base colour to show through a bit more, to create highlights. Manus, The Gorgon, is something of a Hephaestus figure in the pantheon of the Primarchs, known for his skill as a smith and metalworker. This would all end in disaster, as the Iron Hands role as one of the loyalist Legions on the wrong end of the Istvaan Massacre, and their Primarchs death at the hands of Fulgrim, became a cornerstone of Heresy lore and the pivotal moment of the Fulgrim novel exploring the fall from grace of the Phoenician. Kind of. That makes each paint 2,75 Euro / 2.49, and you get 20 mixing balls for free. this gives you a how it turned out (until I get a Rubric done): I was trying to find a blue close to the "thousand sons" blue and not too "Alpha legion". Iron Hands are pretty much just Space Marines in Apocalypse. Still, the way I paint black, I get my definition purely from highlights. I think this pic is also when they were still drying. It's the Primaris all over again. There really are some cool colors were added, which should make painting a wide range of minis fairly easy. It applies shading through gravity pulling dark pigments down through a thick medium is a longer version. That's why this makes me righteously mad since I've never strived for top quality painting, yet Contrast paints appear to enable people to get decent results in no time. If there isn't, I might use it for some units. This isnt the most powerful tactic in Kill Team, but its still something it can already be hard to put wounds on Marines, and cancelling 1/6th of them with the FNP is a little extra bonus to keep your guys around longer. The Army Painters new metallic colour Warpaints are regular acrylic-based metallic paints, non-toxic and dilutable with water or acrylic medium of your choice. Make a mix of Black and Leadbelcher at a ratio of roughly 4:1. I recommend adding a light silver paint such as Stormhost Silver or Shining Silver Warpaint for creating highlights. These new paints unlock wilder colour palettes for your armies, meaning theyll stand out even more on the battlefieldpainting mind-blowing models will be easier than ever! Its great for creating punchier colours from a brighter undercoat you can even try using our reformulated Shades on it for bold new results. As the rest of the models is unpainted, it makes the black stand out differently from how it would normally. Thats ok though, the flesh is weak and they dont need it. PS - Was out of the loop for a long while, learned about that paint from you just now and just heard about contrast paints today lol. Fantasy & Sci-Fi Alternatives: February 3DArtGuy STL Files, New Strike Force Agastus & Boarding Patrols: Pricing & Links, Black Templars Top 40k Homebrew Army List: Melee at Shiloh, New Female Imperial Guard Alternatives From Brother Vinni, WIN a Warhammer 40k Battleforce Box Giveaway, Huge 10th Edition 40k Rumors, New Releases & Cheap Deals LATEST. So yes, no trouble at all with using Leadbelcher as a primer. Tainted Gold: This is a gold paint with an aged, green hue, that also works for a realistic brass effect. I don't really see a lot on my crappy laptop screen. He transitioned from Lego to Games Workshop models at the tender age of 11 and didn't look back ever since. The nice grey shading is perfect for the white color that can help anyone get the tone of white they are looking for. It could be used for highlighting more orange metallic paints like Citadels Balthasar Gold or Hashut Copper, or True Copper from the Warpaints range. Paint the torso and limb armour sections with Leadbelcher leaving the skeletal pistons and joints as Castellax Bronze. Also currently painting white saps my will to live. It can take three to four hours to fill 50 or so dropper bottles with paint if youre careful not to make a mess. In ourHow to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. My killteam is ready for paint. Undercoat all the models with Leadbelcher spray and do a piss poor job with the now discontinued Caliban Green on a giant pile of bases. You noted that clear medium was the first thing that came out of some of the pots. As you can see, the metallic effect will be more subdued, creating a subtle shimmering effect. It doesn't have the highlighted/shaded effect but it shows the metallic well. Get the Supplies to Transfer Your Contrast Paints: Contrast paints retail for $7.80 per 18 ml pot, and because these are between a layer and a wash in consistency, the paint will probably go fairly quickly. He is known for bold colour schemes and sharp edge highlights, which he paints with typical German perfectionism (one of the reason he is such a notoriously slow painter). The Contrast medium helps pull the wash into all the recesses intensifying the shading. Well use these mediums and some Airbrush Flow Improver as the primary solvent. The Horus Heresy novel series filled out much of the 30k-era background of the Iron Hands, but it wasnt until the Clan Raukaan codex supplement in 6th edition, and the Angels of Death book in 7th edition, that much of their 40k-era lore developed. But do they work as contrast over other Sprays? But it doesnt look like it will happen after ther recent announcement, so its time to take matters into your own hands! The Army Painters Warpaints retail at 2,75 Euro / 2.49 for single paints, which is on par with Vallejo Game and Model Color, which come in 18 ml dropper bottles as well, and are priced at 2,99 Euro / 2.55 RRP. Just note that painting over leadbelcher with certain coloured contrast paints leaves a metallic/pearlescent finish (look at shiny Blue/green Alpha Legion armour or red 30k Thousand Sons armour) 12 SpacetimeTwitch 2 yr. ago Thanks for the reply, it does feel like it would be a time saver. In case you haven't seen it, here are some reference photos. My question is: How? Short answer, yes! The appropriately-titled, Additionally, if you can get your hands on them, the. Last update was at 2019/08/07 05:32:36. Stay tuned for more hobby hacks and tutorials, and make sure to watch the full video above for all of Robs insights! Zephyr Pink: A bright warm pink. My box had a golden sticker on it, at the time of the review The Army Painter are running a golden ticket competition where you might find a rare golden brush in the box. ), the Akhellion was closest) but if you want to do a hermetic blades warband the aethermatic blue is perfect. Hey guys, I have been experimenting with making a nice metallic blue armour for thousand sons using contrast. Since Contrast paints do not look too good on large flat areas, I use a different approach for Necron vehicles though. "acceptedAnswer": { },{ Another very vibrant metallic colour, a must-have paint for painting Slaanesh that would also make a sweet base colour for metallic Emperors Children armour. I'm using akellion green ( or whatever it's called) over leadbelcher, will post pics once I get one done. This message was edited 1 time. I like them both. The contrast paints diluted with medium over metallics work well, also there are clear air paints from gw that work well too. Thats why in this article, we will show you one of the easiest ways to get the most out of your hobby paints. I find Vallejo Metal Color Steel is a good 'metallic black'. My previous metallic ones are tamyia metallic light blue with tamiya clear blue over the top (same as my Heresy thousand sons only with the red replaced with blue),but again, I felt it came out a little too dark/deep for what I was looking for (still looks good though ;-) ): I might give the Talassar blue a try though, the Akhellion worked really well on Magnus (I've nearly finished him) so will try it a Rubric for comparison soon. How To Paint Everything: Creating, Basing, and Painting Area and Tournament Terrain, Necromunday: Buzz Lightyear Hyperspeed Trucks in the Ash Wastes. Approaching painting black armor for this I knew I wanted to go for something a little bit different than the standard grey-blue edge highlights, while also not stepping on Condits toes painting up the Heresy style oil slick scheme. Theres nothing stopping you from using it with our regular Citadel range, however. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. ( only used it on Magnus' armour so far). I actually think, that that looks rather promising. The Hands bitterness at the death of their Primarch, and their consideration that emotional weakness was partly to blame, only entrenched their attitudes. "acceptedAnswer": { People! Its a pearl, almost white metallic paint, similar to Scale 75s White Alchemy, but a tiny nuance more yellowish. The 15ml is the standard Vallejo and Army Painter dropper bottle size, so if you dont feel like doing this, just go grab some of their paints! You can get a clearer coat that way. Have you considered a comparison to glazing/contrast/similar over a high-quality metallic, like the Valllejo Metal Color range? Each Clan Company has its own symbol too, which features on the right shoulder plate, with the Chapter symbol on the left. The Games Workshop studio army features them with blue-white guns, and many painters choose to add metallic details such as, fittingly, iron hands. "Apothecary White is one of the most exciting Contrast paints for all painters! For this small old boi I mostly followed the Forge World recipe but with a regular brush rather than an airbrush. We will see one way or the other. (Before anyone says use contrast black on GW leadbelcher or iron warriors metal, that may work for infantry models, but how would that work for vehicles with flat panels? Colour. They became known for direct, head-on combat, always seeking out the most intense area of a conflict and directing their efforts to destroying it utterly. with the retributor undercoat it does tend to be more green (but still looks good for a thousand son with the added bonus, if you are careful applying it, you've got the gold trim started already :-). I wish GW had a lighter silver spray! The label suggests its a dark brown metallic paint such as Citadels Warplock Bronze or Rough Iron Warpaint, but in fact, its a very dark blue metallic paint with a hint of violet. Sign up for a new account in our community. It is our mission to bring you the latest from the miniature wargaming scene, from narrative missions, hobby how-to tutorials, battle reports, unboxings and reviews, retro flashbacks, news, rumors, and more. ", The flesh is weak! Thinking of trying these. Vallejo Game Color. Warhammer Community's Chris Peach has found that Contrast colours applied over Leadbelcher or Retributor . First, I want to say that this looks amazing. It almost seems like these were initially supposed to be a different product entirely. Shoutout to our fantastic patrons: Chris C., chaoticflanagan, Wyliekyote, pawl, Fugu, FrenchHobbyist, Nello S., Nate H., Sigurd H., Karakal, Akhaed, Christian H., David D., Christopher O., James G., Ricardo G., Matt P., Adam, Martin D., Bastian O., Kobold, Mark S., Daniel G., Chris M., NavyKes, Andrii A., Truul0, Duncan M., David W., Joakim N., Robert K., Cameron Pickering, Luke C., Sean, Tashi, Luk R., EchoTwoZero, BadgerAndOllieBoo, Runde, Dr. Gore, PlagueisThaWise, Justin H., John S., Schneuzi, Lucas Y., Paul B., Samuel J., Andy J. Ramon R., Peter H., Sam, Erin J., Collin L., Nick, Timothy W., Bartosz L., Miguel del P., Raoul, Andrew O., asuli lapis, and Longeen. These paints are supposed to help get your minis painted quickly with some, you guessed it, decent contrast! @tyriks I like the Flesh Tearer Red one for Heresy! Other than minor color differences that can be fine-tuned, the properties of the paint can be seen, and they are almost identical in that respect! Wow my google-fu sucks nowadays I could not find a comparison like that, thank you. These paints look like an amazing product which I won't/can't use since I've already painted a third of my Marines to a certain standard in an old-school aesthetic. Contrast paints essentially allow you to accomplish a few steps at once. Thanks for the review. } Powered by Invision Community. All names, trademarks, and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Not bad at all. Youre a strong independent gamer who doesnt need to buy Games Workshop-produced dropper bottles! Should be the two on the lowest right, correct? It's easy! You could also look at the towering Redemptor or dip into Forge Worlds range of Dreadnoughts. David Johnston (Brother Argos) and the Bolter and Chainsword I also read that some are using varnish over undercoat first, before applying contrast paints - can someone explain why? Elven Armour: Another very vibrant metallic colour, this is a bright blue that leans slightly more towards the violet side. The new Codex Supplement is all well and good, but what about if you want to know more about the Logical Boys? A little bit of shaking is required to prevent separating. Lets first answer some quick questions, then dive deeper into how Citadel Contrast Paints actually look on miniatures with the Games Workshop model primers. Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance. Having said that, I'm fully intent on testing them on one model to see if there's a lot of difference side by side. Play with the contrast medium too. Last update was at 2019/08/02 16:59:05, This message was edited 2 times. Im not a great painter but I prefer to not put bare plastic on the table. That said, Ferrus is not as cold of a figure as his Legion, and their descendant Chapter, would later become. }] This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Damn you GW for introducing innovation after I've committed to something else!! With this DIY Contrast thinner, you can make any other color you want by mixing it with washes, acrylics, and even inks. This thing has been marketed as quick and dirty speed method for people who cannot find the motivation or time to paint I feel. Fingers crossed that all the colours will be available separately soon. Games Workshop Contrast Paint is too inconsistent and unpredictable to use across the whole range. The new release also sees the dawn of a new upgrade kit and Chapter-specific transfer sheet. and our Better safe than sorry. Maybe a darker gray would produce a nice result? Painting black can be hard, and this offers a really good solution to getting something black but then showing you where to highlight. Contrast paints retail for $7.80 per 18 ml pot, and because these are between a layer and a wash in consistency, the paint will probably go fairly quickly. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Check out Vallejo Model Air Black Metallic. While they wont do everything for you, they will make your painting go much faster! Does this mean the Black Tide can be painted quicker than ever before? Pardon the flash on this, without flash I can't get a good picture of how metallic they look. Sometimes, The Army Painters Warpaints arrive not properly mixed. So far, Ive tried a lot of coloured metallic paints, from brands like Vallejo Mecha Color, Greenstuff World, and Scale75. Leaving the helmet separate i undercoated the model with chaos black spray then went over that with retributor armour spray. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Link to video of guy using BT contrast paint to paint a primaris marine. Release the excess medium, open the bottle, and give it a good stir, for example with a cocktail stick. A brief word on Tamiya paints. I haven't tried it, but I've seen it. I guess I could do both, and have the shoulders or backpacks one color and the bulk of the model the other. David Johnston (Brother Argos) and the Bolter and Chainsword Plus, every miniature needs to stand onsomething like a solid, dependable hero rock. enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can watch Robs video to see how to do it or read our highlights below. At this time, the metallic colours are only available as part of this set, so when you run out of a single paint, you need to get the complete set. The Iron Hands are one of the less-explored of the First Founding Chapters. Shading white has long been an incredibly difficult prospect for painters after all, theres no such colour in nature as dark white! For this small old boi I mostly followed the, A brief word on Tamiya paints. Gullimans flesh for the poor saps face and Apothecary White for his grey hair. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. Have you seen or tried that? Contrast paint is designed to be applied over light base colours. "@type": "Answer", The Army Painter's Warpaints Metallic Colours paint set comes with nine new and exclusive metallic colours and "Fairy Dust" metallic effect paint, all in 18 ml dropper bottles. For more information, please see our My main concern is the large amount of troops I'm most likely going to want to paint and also the fact that the majority of units in the Admech army have a large amount of metal on them so the leadbelcher spray could be put to good use across the whole army. It looks similar to using glazes over Metallics but simpler to use. Mix with Fairy Dust for highlights. Their Clear paints are kind of thick and gloopy and takes longer to dry between steps than washes or glazes. It's nice to see, in a way, that he's almost annoyed by how much easier it is. A number of Chapters trace their origins to the Iron Hands, including the Brazen Claws, the Iron Fists, the Iron Lords, and the Red Talons. ("this was supposed to be hard!"). Combine whichever medium you prefer in a half-and-half mix with Vallejo Flow improverto create your own Contrast thinner.. Since I already started painting my Mutalith and some Tzaangors blue, I'm leaning towards Talassar or Leviadon, but I am not sure which one I like more. Heres a table from GW Clemsford of the most used Citadel Spray Primers used with the same Contrast Paint: Obviously, Grey Seer is the more grey primer, Wraithbone is a bright tan, and Corax White is the purest white youll find among the paints. Carefully use your hobby clippers to snip the plastic; no need to waste paint on the first step. I'd be tempted to try a darker blue too, see if you can't get a bit more of the "classic" look. Seems like there could be nice shortcuts for some effects here. } Trim on the shoulders, practice my silver/grey highlights etc. Basilicanum has the Warcraft steel feel to it though, . "name": "What Primer Should You Use With Contrast Paint? You can get your own Contrast Paints for less from independent retailers or Games Workshop directly at the links below: Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games |Frontline Gaming | Games Workshops Store Link. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. I recommend YouTube videos to see how to apply it. Black Templar almost looks like it's greenish compared to the other two. So is the contrast paint the paint that is applied first, or is it applied after you first paint a lighter color underneath? I then brushed on some Seraphim Sepia, Druchi Violet, and Biel-Tan Green in places to get the shimmery oil effect, and then washed . "Wir sehen hiermit wieder die Sprache als das Dasein des Geistes." that are all connected in the 40k universe. ", The Sons of Medusa are also Iron Hands descendants, although in an unusual fashion. Press J to jump to the feed. This is Akhelian Green on a Leadbelcher-Nuln Oil-Stormhost Silver (drybrush): You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. So after I prime a model with a spray can, is it a good idea to apply the contrast paint on after that primer dries? A little bit of righteous anger now and then is good, actually. Revealed on June 13th, 2022, new Citadel Contrast and colors paints are here! Rob thinks he got the best flow using theregularold matte medium(right) that can be purchased in bulk (above). All rights reserved. From left to right that's Blood Angel, Flesh Tearer, Leviadon, Talassar. Do about 50/50 contrast medium with basilicanum grey and you'll be about equal to one layer nuln oil. To seal the deal, peel off the label from the Citadel paint and add it to your dropper bottle. This looks so good over any of the base coats and looks just like leather. It's not as if paint has self-automation tech in it or anything, so how does it apply shading? I have these because I forgot to originally order them, so I made a trip to the local store, Glad you did this, been debating using a gold base with black Templar over it for my custodes. It's easy! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (Wargames) Foundry miniatures> Blackened barrel 'A' and 'B'. Orbecome a patronon Patreon for exclusive tutorials, guides, and behind the scenes content. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. it is a really nice blue though, and given the numerous shades of different warbands in the codex I don't suppose it really matters :-). Painting white is hard; this makes it so much easier. Pouches: Rhinox Hide > Gloss Nuln > Baneblade BrownPurity Seal: Mephiston Red > Agrax > Scale75 Aldebaran RedParchment: Zandri Dust > Skeleton Horde > Flayed One FleshSilvers: Scale75 Thrash Metal > Gloss Nuln > Scale 75 Heavy MetalLenses: Mephiston Red > Troll Slayer Orange > Fire Dragon BrightGun Casing: Grey Seer > Apothecary White > Scale 75 White. Hit the lenses in the helmet too (and completely forget about the scopes). Box 2225Southern Pines, NC 28387United States of America. Also thank you to Stahly for testing and posting a detailed color swatch reference! The new spray is cool but honestly not the craziest thing out there. But if youre after a very quick and dirty 3 colour (Thats how the Queen spells it) tournament legal scheme that you can smash out 15 Intercessors out in an evening so you too can also jump on the Iron Hand bandwagon then read on! Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely. I would recommend starting there. Lets see how they do through the airbrush and what kind of. I like to edge highlight the brighter areas on this either in a grey or dark blue, but on the stone, you could get away with dry brushing, I would think. You can see that, generally speaking, the Grey Seer primer puts out a darker hue, while Corax White has the most vibrant and bright color. Looks good! Washes are typically used to shade a base colour, such as Agrax Earthshade over a Khorne Red base coat, or Nuln Oil over Leadbelcher.While I certainly do that as well, depending on the colour scheme, I also use the shade as my primary colour, essentially . Mix 3 parts Nuln Oil with 1 part Contrast Medium and wash over the entire model. The consistency of the contrast paint causes it to pool in recesses to create shading and pull away from high spots, allowing the light base colour to show through a bit more, to create highlights. I particularly like how the Black Templar looks, though many people (even our liege Duncan) are using Basilicanum Grey. Then, well even cover how to make your own, what type of value there is, and more. Or is a contrast paint one of the final paints I apply? All of these are over leadbelcher spray. Its not an acrylic medium, and also not a silver. Cookie Notice Can be mixed with Zephyr Pink to create warmer, more pinkish highlights, or Fairy Dust for more pastel highlights. A perfect armour colour for Heresy era Thousand Sons. Raspint 2 yr. ago While Contrast paints are designed to tint surfaces and give an intense finish, this new formulation ensures that Shade paints will settle more effectively into the recesses of your miniatures while leaving the raised parts of your models relatively untouched. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Need to add some contrast medium to basilicanum grey to tone it down. For a nice red-ish gold, try painting it over a gold metallic. Check out those bionic hands, bionic legs, and enhanced helmet sensors amazingly, you can still buy it. Did you like this post? I hadnt seen this yet, so I wanted to post something comparing these three as different washes. "text": "The first question is, do they help you paint faster and get decent results? Contrast is an incredibly powerful paint range. That way, you can decide if spending those hobby dollars on the paint is worthwhile. The primer color you choose should reflect how vibrant of a color you want from the look of contrast paint on your miniatures. You Give Goonhammer Writers Serotonin. I found that The Army Painters new metallic Warpaints feel most similar to the regular priced metallic layer paints from Games Workshop such as Runefang Silver or Grey Knights Steel (not the more expensive metallic paints like Retributor Armour), Vallejo Game and Model Color metallics, and of course, The Army Painters other metallic Warpaints. Yeah, I almost went with that (I'm mostly using Heresy models and saying they're time lost) but I don't want to start my beasties over to match. I had this issue with three out of ten paints in this set. The Iron Hands have fewer dedicated stories than their brother Chapters, but theres still a bunch of stuff out there about them, even if they have to share the spotlight with others. },{ Also not sure how apothecary white is going to look on Black Templars. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. This website and all of its contents are 2011 - 2022 Tale of PaintersThis website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited Used without permission All rights reserved , The Army Painters other metallic Warpaints, Slaves to Darkness / Warriors of Chaos (71), Soulblight Gravelords / Vampire Counts (69), Review: Space Marines Strike Force Agastus. Wait, BT has a blue/green tint? I wasnt lucky though . Leadbelcher base, plus Necron Compound drybrush to brighten it up. For my example above, I used Citadels Mephiston Red. Contrast paint is designed to be applied over light base colours. People had been petitioning GW (literally, there was a petition going around) to transfer their paints to dropper bottles. I have no idea if it hurts brushes but Im setting aside my W&N Series 7s just in case and using some older brushes. Of course, that leaves Wraithbone in the middle of the road. (In a good way, BUT STILL). It wasnt until 3rd edition and the Index Astartes articles that they started to gain an identity of their own, as a cold and remorseless Chapter seeking the perfection of logic and machinery over the weakness of the human body which includes the post-human body of an Astartes. After painting and highlight all the details, put another coat of gloss varnish over shoulders and knees. His friendship with his brother Fulgrim was noted for its warmth, and he was known just as much for his emotional rages as for his devotion to logic. Vallejo Metal Color is really fantastic metallic paint. I always struggled painting leather and so when I picked up this paint, I was hoping for a miracle, and it provided one. Or far more likely, buy more Intercessors and start again from scratch because I need Stalker Pattern Bolters. I wanted to use different techniques to call out the difference between the 10,000 year old armor and the fresh- off-the-line Mk X, while still having the oily-sheen-on-black-metal look that shows they are clearly part of the same larger force.